Reading, Writing, and Proving: A Closer Look at Mathematics
A textbook by Pamela Gorkin & Ulrich Daepp

Solutions to 3n-Problems
Sample Syllabi
Sample Exams


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Solutions to 3n-Problems

Complete solutions to all problems in the second edition that are numbered 3n, where n is an integer, appear below as downloadable pdf files.

Solutions to problems in Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Solutions to problems in Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Solutions to problems in Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Solutions to problems in Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Solutions to problems in Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Solutions to problems in Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Solutions to problems in Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Solutions to problems in Chapter 8: Chapter 8

Solutions to problems in Chapter 9: Chapter 9

Solutions to problems in Chapter 10: Chapter 10

Solutions to problems in Chapter 11: Chapter 11

Solutions to problems in Chapter 12: Chapter 12

Solutions to problems in Chapter 13: Chapter 13

Solutions to problems in Chapter 14: Chapter 14

Solutions to problems in Chapter 15: Chapter 15

Solutions to problems in Chapter 16: Chapter 16

Solutions to problems in Chapter 17: Chapter 17

Solutions to problems in Chapter 18: Chapter 18

Solutions to problems in Chapter 19: Chapter 19

Solutions to problems in Chapter 20: Chapter 20

Solutions to problems in Chapter 21: Chapter 21

Solutions to problems in Chapter 22: Chapter 22

Solutions to problems in Chapter 23: Chapter 23

Solutions to problems in Chapter 24: Chapter 24

The solutions of the 3n-problems in the remainig chapters will be up here soon.

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Sample Syllabi

The text was written in a way that allows instructors some flexibility in their approach to the course. Attached as downloadable pdf files are a course description and a course calendar that one of the authors used at Bucknell University.

Course description for Fall 2010: Course Description.

Syllabus of the course of Fall 2010. We covered chapters 1 through 24: Syllabus for a 14-week semester.

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Sample Exams

During the fall of 2010 with the syllabus posted above, we gave three tests (52 minutes) and a final exam (3 hours, all in-class). The tests are on pdf files that can be downloaded: Fall 2010 exams.

In a similar course in the spring of 2007 the following three hour exams (52 minutes) were given: Spring 2007 exams.

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Cut-the-knot by A. Bogomolny. According to his site, this is "an encyclopedic collection of math resources for all grades." It's interactive!, Greater Online Marketing, LLC. This is just what it sounds like--all sorts of calendar tools.

The mathematics genealogy project.--According to Wired Magazine "Just as retirees scour for evidence that they're descendants of famous people, mathematicians are diagramming who their adviser was advised by, who their adviser's adviser's adviser was, and so forth. This nerdy pastime has been formalized on the Mathematics Genealogy Project website, run by North Dakota State University."

Math is Fun: Rational Irrational Power. Harvey Mudd College, Mathematics Department.

Mathematical Problems by David Hilbert, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 8, 437-479 (1902). This is Hilbert's famous speech for the advancement of mathematics in the 20th century.

Fibonacci numbers and the golden section by R. Knott. This is a multimedia website on the Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio.

Math Trek: The counterfeit coin by I. Peterson. This is a column on the well-known counterfeit coin problem.

Mathematics in Movies by Oliver Knill. This website provides information about mathematics that appears in films.

Mathematical Association of America for students. This is a list of upcoming meetings, career information, and links to other mathematical associations.

RSA Security, Inc. Here you'll find information about security, risk, and compliance solutions.

The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive. School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St. Andrews, Scotland. This site has biographies of mathematicians as well as historical essays on mathematical topics.

Biography of Alice Roth. This is our personal favorite of the website for biographies of women mathematicians. It is maintained by Agnes Scott College.

Keith Devlin on NPR. He frequently is a guest at NPR and tells you things you probably didn't know. For example, is the Gateway Arch in St. Louis a parabola or a catenary? (No matter what it is, it's incredibly cool. If you have the chance, visit!) Try this link for the answer to the question about the Gateway Arch.

Loci is an online mathematical journal and publication of the MAA. This is a valuable resource for students and professors.

Mathsource. This will lead you to the Wolfram Library Archive and, in particular, an article on RSA.

American Mathematical Society information for students. This site provides information on upcoming events, graduate school, undergraduate research programs and much more.

How to Give a Good Talk (pdf) by Joseph A. Gallian, Math. Horizon 1998. Advice on Giving a Good Power Point Presentation (pdf) by Joseph A. Gallian, Math. Horizon 2006. These articles are just what their titles say: tips on how to give a good mathemtical presentation.

How to Give a Good Colloquium (pdf) by John E. McCarthy, Canadian Mathematical Society NOTES, 31 no. 5, Sep 1999, pp 3-4. This is another highly recommended resource for giving a good presentation.

Confronting Analysis (pdf) by Tina Rapke. Feeling down? Read this student's description of a course that starts where this course ends.

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